Welcome to the Future of Healthcare: Divine Design Natural Health

Every building has a builder. Every painting has a painter. Every design has a designer.

The current healthcare paradigm often fails to recognize the inspired design of the human body and its processes. The device you are using to read this sentence was not an accidental occurrence assembled by random chance. Neither are you. When approaching healthcare from this standpoint, it is quite rewarding to work in harmony with your body’s innate healing ability rather than against it. We look forward to helping you rediscover and maintain your health independence.

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Natural Health

Are you holistic? Absolutely.
Are you homeopathic? Yes, we also use homeopathy.
Are you naturopathic? We use naturopathic methods. Yes.
Are you a chiropractor, too? We thought you’d never ask.

How We Can Help

You came here to answer questions. Want to see how we can help? Click here for an organized list of the the most common conditions of mankind and what Divine Design Natural Health will do to make illness optional.

Help is here. Hope never fails. Health always heals.

Our Services

Contrary to common thinking, repairing the human body is quite simple. It was divinely designed to heal itself by an intelligence far beyond our comprehension. A transformational awakening grows daily to the overdue realization that our current healthcare system leaves much to be desired. You are not alone in thinking that there must be a better way. Many of us already see this awakening transpiring, while others may simply need a bit of confirmation and a gentle nudge in the right direction. That’s where we come in.

See for yourself why our battle cry is: “Saving lives ahead of time.”

Our Unique Promises To You

Upon first exposure, many people need a bit more familiarity with the type of holistic healthcare we provide. Unfortunately, an even greater number of people  are unaware that this caliber of natural healthcare actually exists, so we have developed some unique promises to help familiarize newcomers in understanding this new paradigm of natural healthcare and to answer the initial questions asked by nearly everyone.

In the interests of transparency and full disclosure, the Divine Design Natural Health team fully expects this to be the last healthcare office you will likely ever need. We replace allergists through veterinarians (literally A-Z) and save you money, health, and time in the process by providing natural healthcare that is:

  1. SAFE: Nothing we do can harm you. This is safe for newborns as well as ninety year olds.
  2. EFFECTIVE: You will begin to notice immediate improvements in your body and mind.
  3. EMPOWERING: What you learn here will forever change your life, your family, and your future.
  4. VALUABLE: We offer the most cost-effective and sensible healthcare you will likely ever find anywhere.
  5. ANCIENT: This is traditional healthcare – natural and Biblical. It is ancient methods not alternative medicine.

Welcome to Divine Design Natural Health. You’ve been looking. We’ve been waiting.

Patients Are Raving

Trust Your Body’s Ability to Heal


Say Goodbye to All Your Other Doctors


Dr. Spradlin’s Mom: 79 Years Old On Zero Medications


My Most Energetic Pregnancy


All Symptoms Gone


A Whole New Me!


I Feel 100% Better!


Divine Design is my family’s primary care provider!


It’s what God made for us. It’s really simple!


Dr. Spradlin specializes in personalizing your care package to address the root of your health problems. Tremendous improvement. When I first came in, I had a numb right arm. I’m amazed how the treatments (adjustment, cold laser, massages, detox) have helped me, as of course the vitamins and nutritional guidance. [Chiropractic care] is effective and efficient. They specialize in discovering what the underlying root cause of your symptoms is. Then, most importantly, they use only natural ways (without medicine) to deal with the root problem. Dr. Brett and his staff care about their patients and their health concerns. It amazes me how happy Dr. Brett gets when his patients don’t need further treatment (because their health has improved) and only preventative maintenance sessions are needed. Dr. Brett and his staff have a passion for what they do and believe in what they do!


These Standard Process supplements are powerful! I have had a few stubborn warts on my fingers that were not responding to home remedies I researched. But one night I felt led to take two extra supplements that I was already taking per Dr. Spradlin’s testing, and the next morning one of my warts opened and released what was trapped inside. I am amazed how immediately my skin responded to that extra dose of supplement!


I am so pleased to be off two of my four blood pressure medications in only six weeks. I feel better and am loving the whole food supplements that are replacing the synthetic junk filled pills.
