Every Dose Is An Office Visit

“When I have an ache or pain, I go to my doctor, and he writes a prescription. Why should I see any doctor regularly?”
This is a great question – one that we would even ask ourselves if we didn’t know what we know about how the body works. For instance, we know that weight-bearing joints usually take 12-16 weeks to fully heal. Just recall anyone who has broken a bone, worn a cast, or recovered from invasive surgery. Now, read the label on your prescription medications. Usually, it will say “Take 2-3 times daily as necessary for pain.” In reality, you’re visiting your doctor two or three times per day – every single time you open that bottle of medication. If you disagree, just try getting your meds without your doctor’s prescription and signature.
“Well, I only take aspirin (or Advil, Aleve, Motrin, ibuprofen, or any combination of OTC painkillers),” they say. These drugs are known as NSAIDs (an acronym for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pronounced “EN-seds”). Investigate the adverse effects of long-term NSAID use for chronic pain. Cardiovascular disease, stroke, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage do not sound like worthy trade-offs. How about high blood pressure, kidney damage, and possible severe allergic reactions? Why not deal with the cause of the pain rather than masking its appearance?
Also, remember that any drug affects the entire body – not just the part that hurts. Your stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and every cell of your body must deal with these chemical poisons. These drugs are systemic, meaning that they affect all body systems.
You should take care of your health regularly. When your child is potty-trained, do you stop taking care of them? Of course not. Get adjusted. Detoxify your body. Take supplements. Eat healthy food. In other words, you should avail yourselves of the technology, knowledge, and equipment now available in natural health and wellness centers to expand your purpose and lengthen your life. The world is getting more toxic on a daily basis. You don’t have to.